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C  O  N  S  C  I  E  N  C  E

S C A D P R O  -   L A C O S T E ,   F R A N C E 

Programs Used: Photoshop, Illustrator


In Fall 2019, SCAD hosted the Lacoste Sustainability Summit, a 2-day Design Challenge in which students participated in teams to develop innovative concepts for Sustainability.

Design Challenge Prompt: Create or re/Create products, services or experiences that encourage Sustainable Action.

3rd Place Team Members: Chandler Adams, Laura Panthofer, Jessie Cart, Taylor Key Rhea Chawla

The Problem - Uninformed Consumers:


We live in a digital age where we have near-infinite amount of choice in products. People like the idea of being sustainable, but being an informed consumer feels impossible. More than 300 million U.S. online shoppers by 2023? Plus, 75% of people born after 1980 are altering their buying habits with the environment in mind. Endless pages of options and reviews make it a struggle to know the supply chain and ethics of clothing companies. To bridge this gap between desire for and access to information, we’re here to introduce Clean Conscience.

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Our Solution - Clean Conscience:


Clean Conscience is a browser extension designed to provide online shoppers with information about the practices of brands they’re buying from, as well as offer sustainable alternatives.


The retailer facts would be consolidated from a variety of reliable sources, cross-referenced for accuracy to remain as unbiased as possible. All brands are welcome. Every brand put into the Clean Conscience database for product comparison would receive a score of A-F determined by a compilation of sustainability criteria sourced from various, reputable product research organizations. Lower scoring brands will not be eligible to pop-up as an alternative until they meet the minimum requirement.

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Source and Resource Information:

When consumers enter a shopping site, a small red notification bubble will appear next to the plug-in icon, letting them know about more sustainable alternatives. Examples of criteria include usage of hazardous chemical or dyes, greenhouse gas emissions, waste disposal, and workplace health, safety and wages.

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Social Ads - How we get the word out:

Engaging Facebook ads & website banners on different fashion blogs and a variety of social media platforms would be our main marketing.

Our Customers will be able earn points by sharing the extension with a friend through a personalized link. These credits can then be redeemed for promotions such as free carbon-neutral shipping from UPS. 

From each purchase, we would reserve a slight commission from the sustainable companies we partner with.

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 Looking Forward:

While Clean Conscience might not curb consumption immediately, it’s a baby step towards encouraging consumers to form sustainable habits, dissembling fast fashion one piece at a time, starting in the US market with hopes of expanding to the global stage.

Eventually, with enough support for sustainable retailers, we hope to either pressure fast fashion companies to put more sustainable supply chains in place, or these new Earth-friendly brands will supersede today’s fast fashion giants.

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